Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Coolest Award

Just Another Stay at Home Mom has received the Butterfly Award from Suzie at The $200 Mission. The $200 Mission is one of my favourite reads. Thanks Suzie!


Here's the dealio:

1. Slap this baby up on your blog. Don’t be shy.
2. Link to the giver
3. Nominate up to seven other fab blogs.
4. Post links to those super fly blogs your nominating.
5. Leave messages for your recipients on their blogs…so they can feel as special as you do!

So here are the super-cool blogs I pass this award to!

Mom to 3 Angels
Power and Stilettos
Mommy to 2 Princesses
Soccer Mom Says
Complete and Utter Chaos

3 thoughts for today:

Allison said...

Thanks for the award!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I was expecting that!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much! You made my day!