Friday, September 5, 2008

5 Minute Yummy Mummy

OK, so who has time to look good every single day? I’ll be the first to admit that I struggle to stick to a good cleansing and moisturizing routine, let alone put make up on every day. In between getting Angel Starr dressed and ready for kindergarten and getting little Sunshine fed and ready to accompany us. There just isn’t enough time in the day for me too. But, YouTube to the rescue, I have found that Sandy Gold’s videos really help. I still have to find time to stick to them but I find that I can do it in fragments. And, honestly, once I have some make up on I do feel more confident and much better about myself. I’ve decided that (now that I’m in my 30’s) I must need it too because as soon as I step out with my made up face (and it’s a very natural look) everyone comments on how well I’m looking.

1 thoughts for today:

savvysuzie said...

I know what you mean...I definitely FEEL more put together when I do SOMETHING to my face, and now that I'm hitting the mid-30's it seems more and more necessary. Of course, that could just be the product of parenting a toddler :)